
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Discover the connection between UFO visitors and shamanic lore! Brent Raynes' stunning book—intro. by Brad Steiger.
(Used by permission)

(Please excuse the length of the words.  Obviously this was typed by a different program.  I have tried to shorten each line but it didn't come out correctly!)

Are we the aliens?

Today in her sixties, Joan recalls having had 
what are described as alien abduction 
experiences going back to around age three. 
For all of these years, she has kept silent about these personal encounters until the last year, 
when she finally shared them with a few 
people. “After all, who would believe an 
upper middle class, highly educated, wife, 
mother, grandmother and artist, unless she
was delusional,” Joan wrote. She had read 
my article in the ARE’s Venture Inward 
magazine (Oct.-December 2010, Vol. 26, 
No. 4).

Not long ago, Joan had a strange experience
that made her wonder even more deeply about 
the possible human/alien connection. About a
year ago she became extremely ill. “At the end
of my illness, when the medical doctors were giving up, I began to use acupuncture, cranial sacral work, and also a chiropractor who did energy healing,” Joan wrote. “I am convinced
these modalities saved my life. The medical doctors were doing nothing except giving me transfusions to keep me alive. In fact, I was 
just days away from having chemotherapy to 
kill my immune system to see if that would 

It was during one of her alternative CST (CranioSacral Therapy) treatments that Joan 
had a most unusual experience. “My body suddenly became exceedingly cold and I 
began to shake,” she wrote. “Then I ‘saw’ 
my soul step out of my body and it looked 
like an iridescent gray alien.”

This account intrigued me as some years 
back I had corresponded with long-time 
UFO investigator and author Joe Nyman 
and he had been coming across cases, often 
in his investigations and hypnotic regression 
work, of what he called “entity familiarity.” 
In a report he shared with me back in 1989, 
he wrote of how “three experiencers have
independently gone back to images of 
themselves as alien entities.” Joe began 
to wonder if there was evidence of such a 
resident alien presence leaving the human 
body, perhaps at death. He continued: “last 
year, in conversation, I was told by an 
individual that at his mother’s death in 1937, 
he and his two sisters were terrified to see a 
figure descending the stairs. The figure had a 
face that the man saw again years later, on the 
dust jacket of Communion.” 

There seem to be a number of cases out there 
of experiencers who had a close connection, an “entity familiarity” if you will, with these 
beings. In 1989, a 49 year old woman in 
Kentucky wrote me of how when she was only
5 or 6 years old she was playing in a field 
behind her home and encountered a tall 
man in a white and shiny one-piece jumpsuit-
type outfit. About two weeks after a close 
range sighting of a disc-shaped object near
her home in 1975, when she would have been 
in her mid-thirties, she awoke around 3 a.m., startled by some sort of noise. “I looked up 
and a man was standing in my bedroom door,”
she wrote. “There was a floodlight on each 
side of the house and I could see him real 
good. He walked toward me and sat on my
bed. He told me to take care of my mother and sister, that my dad was dead. Twenty minutes 
later the hospital called. Dad had died.”

She concluded this story writing, “Everyone
I know has changed over the years, but I’m 
sure this was the same man I have seen since 
I was a little girl. He hadn’t changed. He
looked just the same as the first time I saw 

I met Linda recently at the ARE UFO 
Conference in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on November 14th, 2010. She’s had a good 
number of UFO/entity experiences over the 
years too. “Well the first one appeared after 
my father died and I was just lying on the bed
at my mother’s house and this little person 
just semi-materialized out of the ethers right 
above my bed and brought his face up close to mine and he just sent me love and blessings, 
like he empathized. Then another time, the 
same type of entity, or the same one, 
materialized beside my bed and he just stood 
there and he had the American Express card in 
his three little fingers. He turned it to face me. 
It was red, white and blue, like the American 
flag. He didn’t say anything. He just wanted 
me to know something about that American Express card, and what followed was I traveled 
to many parts of the world. I used that card. 
I used my American Express card.” She went 
on to say that at the time she had no idea she 
would be traveling, much less using the card. 
Plus it wasn’t just regular travel, it was 
something deeply personal and important to her own life mission. “I traveled with a spiritual 
group all over the world,” she said. 

I’ve had some really strange experiences,” 
Linda added. “I’ve had at least two experiences wherein I was in my car and suddenly I looked down at the controls and I was seeing the 
controls of a spaceship and I had no memory 
of how to drive a car whatsoever. I thought 
that I was on board a UFO.” 

She recalled one time how she was driving 
down Route 64 near Richmond, Virginia, 
when she became aware of an “ET presence” 
there in the car with her. She said it had an 
indigo color to it, she noticed the insignia of a triangle, and could see it had three long skinny fingers on each hand. “That presence was 
just right there over me,” she stated. “It was 
an overshadowing of an entity or something.” 

After one odd incident, she found a small 
bloody little triangle shaped place just below 
and to the side of one of her knees. It began one night around 1975, in a townhouse apartment 
she was then living at near Richmond. “I saw this blue light coming through the ceiling and I had
no alarm, no unusual reaction. It was just like 
‘Oh look, it’s 6 o’clock,’ like I was looking at 
the clock or something. I said something to my husband. I said, ‘Look at that pretty blue light,’
or something like that. He looked up and he 
wasn’t affected either. So I just turned off the 
light and we went to sleep, I guess, as far as I know.” The next morning she awakened and 
soon discovered the bloody place near her knee. 
“I wasn’t alarmed by it,” she added. 
The Arcturus Stargate!

As synchronicity would have it, the same 
morning that I met Linda I attended a 
powerful, thought-provoking presentation at 
the ARE conference delivered by John 
Van Auken, a talk that seemed potentially 
relevant to experiences described by people 
like Linda. It was entitled “Edgar Cayce’s 
Visions of Other Worlds.”
We were once, and we are forever, whether 
you like it or not, star travelers,” John told us. 
He explained, “Arcturus is a star that according
to Edgar Cayce, is the stargate to this solar 
system. All souls and soul minds coming to 
this realm come through the stargate 
Arcturus.” John explained that from Cayce’s readings it is revealed that we’ve been around
from the beginning of creation, that we’re 
“really celestial beings,” have reincarnated 
many times on earth, that we’ve traveled 
“through the entire cosmos,” and that we 
have lived in different dimensional forms. 
While our present physical earth form is three dimensional, John points out that the 
ufonauts appear to be very familiar with 
fourth dimensional reality. He described how
in his wonderful personal chats with famous ancient astronauts author Zecharia Sitchin 
that he tried to convince him that the ancient Anunnaki were in fact previous incarnations 
of us! “We call it mythology, but that 
mythology is the story of us,” John added. 

As an example of alien fourth dimensional 
reality, John added that trained pilots, 
including NASA astronauts, have reportedly observed UFOs making abrupt 90-degree 
turns traveling at speeds greater than Mach 9. Humans can’t fly at such speeds without fatal consequences, but the ufonauts apparently 

John’s explanations that we’re aliens ourselves, based on Cayce’s readings, may explain my 
recent EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) 
session, described in another edition of this 
column (#154, November ‘2010), where I 
asked about whether some of the ancient Jinn 
were the same as what we today call aliens, to which a male sounding “voice” immediately seemed to reply to me, “You’re an alien spirit 

Is that really the answer? Is our so-called 
human spirit or soul something that once 
separated from its familiar physical shell 
becomes something beyond our conventional conceptions of present human 
comprehension? John Van Auken pointed 
out that our true nature is, according to the 
Cayce readings again: “as light, a ray that 
does not end, lives on and on, until it becomes 
one in essence with the source of light.” (EC 136-83) After quoting this reading in his talk, 
John also added, “Remember the Egyptian idea 
of the great ray, out of which all of the little rays come; or Ra, if we want to pronounce it that 
Go back to John Keel please”

Returning to the bewildering world of the enigmatic EVPs, which certainly defies our mainstream views of time and space, recently 
my wife Joan and I (12/31/10) and another 
time Joan, myself and our daughter Chandra (12/18/10) did two separate “spirit box” 
sessions here at our home in Waynesboro, Tennessee, using a small newly purchased 
digital radio that Chandra’s husband got from Radio Shack, disabling the scanner so that it 
would sweep continuously through the radio frequencies. Both times, and quite on his own,
a male “voice” claiming to be “John Keel” repeatedly came through. Furthermore, on the 
31st, as we conducted a brief session 
(recording time was only 15 minutes and 54 seconds), during which time I was trying to 
reach the departed mother of a friend (whose 
first and last name and other information came through, getting her last name even before 
I asked for it) “Keel” kept trying to get my attention. We even got a clear message stating, 
“Go back to John Keel please.” 

Recently, after getting some audio files from 
Sandy Nichols up in Thompson Station, from a recent spirit box session that he had conducted, 
it dawned on me that I hadn’t heard Keel in any 
of his sessions (or Bret and Gina Oldham’s 
either) when I wasn’t there, and they had all had several independent sessions each. So curious I fired off an email to all of them and soon Bret replied, “No, we haven’t been getting any
mention of John Keel when you’re not in the session.” (01/02/11) Tonight (01/05/10) while talking on the phone with Sandy I asked him 
about this and he did recall one time he got a 
real faint “Keel,” but it was too faint to bother making an audio file on, he said. 

This is all so very, very strange. If I’m there 
“John Keel” (no matter whose radio it is) seems 
to always come through and usually quite often. But if I’m not there he’s essentially not there. 
Isn’t that a little weird, or was weird actually a 
few months back? I should be getting used to weird by now. 

On our own also (12/18/10), we successfully replicated the experiment we had done as a 
group with Sandy, Bret and Gina beginning 
back in July 2010, where we would have something written on an index card or a sheet 
of paper and ask the “voices” if they could tell
us what it was. Chandra’s husband had placed 
a neat little typed label on her radio that read “Ghostbox”, so I pointed at it asking them to 
say what it was I was pointing at. Several times 
I recorded “ghostbox” coming in over the radio, even though I did not say the word. This was 
only during the brief time that I was pointing 
at the label, which may have been like a couple 
of minutes at the very most. 

It’s difficult to condense everything in this 
article that happened during these two sessions. There were a good many instances that 
strongly indicated to us that we were dealing 
with an interactive intelligence. We got a whispered “Momma Martin” (which was a nickname for Joan’s late mother who all the 
grand kids called her by), we heard “cats live” (after just losing a pet cat that evening, and 
asking if cats and dogs went to heaven), and as 
I was talking about when they wanted me to turn the radio off a male voice said “close it Brent”, while a couple seconds before I shut it off someone, who obviously didn’t think that 
was such a good idea, said “F—k you.” 

Spirits don’t seem to give a diddly squat about those FCC rules and regulations that dictate to us the living proper conduct over the airwaves. Do 
the ghost hunters on TV have trouble with cussing spirits? (I hadn’t noticed if they do) I wonder how widespread this is? 

I’m really puzzled as to how this works. I thought psychic phenomena was less consistent. After all, mediums give good readings and conduct good séances and then sometimes they complain 
(at least the honest ones I gathered) that their abilities suddenly and unexpectedly leave them. Nothing happens. With the EVPs from the “spirit boxes” that we’ve used, we’ve had some trying times, but something always came through at 
some point during a session that would leave us scratching our heads. 

I’d also like to know how they track us down, 
no matter where we are, and as with this “John Keel” situation, how it is they can zero in on 
who they’re talking to. The “voices” come in 
over a radio. Somehow they’re transmitting to 
us. However, we aren’t using a transmitter. We simply sit in a chair talking to a radio, which 
when you think about it is really and certifiably crazy sounding people stuff! It’s just a radio, 
for crying out loud! A radio should only pick 
up fragments of radio news, weather reports, commentaries, advertisements, music, DJ utterances, etc. 

They (whoever they is precisely) have to be 
tuning in to us psychically somehow, but 
perhaps because we’re not as telepathically evolved as they are they can communicate 
best with us through radio waves. I’m 
speculating that by utilizing our electronics 
this is a more reliable and consistent means 
of making direct contact with us, though of 
course the vast majority of us are completely oblivious that this is even happening. 
I want to thank Brent Raynes for this article.  Because of this I told him I would write what happened to me a long time ago.  On Sunday 
I will put it on here. - Aileen

Sunday, February 24, 2013


GEORGE NOORY:  East of the Rockies, you are up on Coast to Coast.  Welcome to the program - hi there.

Caller:  Hey, George - it's Joe.  How are you this evening?

George:  I'm doin fine.  You?

Caller:  I'm good, I'm listen in' to you on 104.7.  East of the Rockies.

I got a story I wanta tell ya.   In line with your theme tonight "Strangest thing that ever happened to me."

I do a lot of work for the Military - for certain agencies.  Back in 1989 ...'90 I was working' a project... out in the Skunkworks.  And.. I was part of a team that was taken in to do the Skunkwords in California.  And... it's amazing.

You go into this place and go down, and, as you go into the facility, the walls are granite.  Polished granite.

We were taken into a room - we were workin'  on the Stealth bomber.  There was a problem with peeling and flaking.  And the Israeli radar had spotted the Stealth bombers.  So, part of what we were to do was to come up with a solution to fix the problem of the peeling and flaking on the fuselage of the stealth craft.

George:  And the peeling and flaking was causing radar to pick it up, ya mean?

Caller:  That's right.  What happens is, it's called, uh, 'coupling and yielding' and people who are out there, you're scientific guys... will understand that.  Uh - frequencies, 16.27 gigahertz.  For example, if an aircraft is flying in conventional radar like, let's say you're Cleveland Central.  All the planes are being' hit with 16.25 gigahertz.  That causes heat to form on the fuselage.  That heat has to be defused, now, if you don't have a ram - a radar attenuating material to defuse that heat.  The RAM material, the Radio Attenuating Material peels and flakes.  Anyhow to make a long story short...

We were taken into the Skunkworks, and down into a facility... and, part of the solution to the problem - and this was just - an' in fact 

I'm workin' - I was workin' in my lab late tonight and found out this was declassified  and what I'm about to tell you has only been told twice: once to my wife, and once to our board of directors, in a secret meeting.  Anyhow, I've received an e-mail tonight - this is no longer classified - so I'm tellin' the story -

George: Okay.

Caller:  I can't believe it myself - it's the strangest thing that ever happened to me.  And I gotta tell ya... I been to Area 51, and I've seen some strange stuff, but I never saw anything like this. Okay?

So they take us into this room - there are 12 of us guys.  And, we're never allowed to exchange names.  No information, and they took us into this one room where there were 12 seats.  No tables, and a man... walked... this is so strange I can't even believe it myself:

A man walked out of the wall.

George:  A man walked... out of the wall?

Caller:  Out of a polished... wall.

George:  A human being?

Caller:  A human being.

George:  Okay.

Caller: - Wait a minute - it gets - it gets weirder.

This man identified himself as Robert Julius Oppenheimer.  He gave a six minute lecture.. on Cesium 235 element.  Turned around walked back into the wall.  

Name:  Julius Robert Oppenheimer
Academic, Engineer, Physicst
Birth Date:  April 22, 1904
Death Date:  February 18, 1967
Eduction:  Harvard University
Gottingen University
 Worked on the Manhattan Project

Four armed guards came in - moved us out... took us into a corridor ... put us on a blue bus with blacked out windows and, we went.  And, we came out of the place - it was night time and went to an airport -- we're in Nevada.  And I went in I know... I went in in California.  But we came out in Nevada. 

Now as we were driving away and it was night time... as we were leaving this... facility there were red lights.  And I could see these red lights moving.  And the only thing I could think, it was the side of the mountain moving. 

And - well the projects declassified now, so I told the story twice.. I don't know, maybe there's -

George:  Now, and what year was this?

Caller:  This was 1989.  Janu - uh December 1990.

George:  When did Oppenheimer die?

Caller:  I believe 1952.  (Actually it was 1967)

George:  That's what I thought, it was waaay before this.

Caller:  That's and uh, we were - woo woo I - I never... as we were never introduced to one another - uh, we were told that the project was classified - we eventually solved... the problem.  I've never seen any of these people... again.  Never having contact from anybody.  But I was read the security act of 1971 and instructed by an under secretary that if anyone ever contacts me that I had to report that to the Department of Defense.

George:  Whatta you think the significance was of Oppenheimer walking through the wall, for crying out-loud?

Caller:  George... I gotta tell you this... Your people, and your listeners is really my link to sanity and reality, because there is time travel.  I'm convinced.  There has to be.  How else would this guy walk through a granite wall.  And I'm no dummy.  I've got five college degrees and I don't drink, and I don't use drugs - and I know what the heck I saw.  I know what these other guys saw.

George: I wish - and I would've given my right arm now, not really, but I would loved to have been there.  

The week's up.  George thanks the producers and the show goes out with the usual end theme playing. 


Thursday, February 21, 2013


How the Great Pyramid was built is a question that may never be answered. Herodotus said that it would have taken 30 years and 100,000 slaves to have built it. Another theory is that it was built by peasants who were unable to work the land while the Nile flooded between July and November. They may have been paid with food for their labor. The flooded waters would have also aided in the moving of the casing stones. These stones were brought from Aswan and Tura and the water would have brought the stones right to the pyramid. This pyramid is thought to have been built between 2589 - 2566 BC. It would have taken over 2,300,000 blocks of stone with an average weight of 2.5 tons each. The total weight would have been 6,000,000 tons and a height of 482 feet (140m). It is the largest and the oldest of the Pyramids of Giza.

This is a transcript of a call to the Coast to Coast AM radio program on 11-6-11.  ("FS' is guest Freddy Silva, and George Noory is the host)

GEORGE NOORY: (What the question is, is missing.)

FS:  Absolutely, in fact, it reminds me of an experience that I had. Three colleagues of mine - the Great Pyramid where we were doing some sound work and the lights went off.  Anyone whose been to the Great Pyramid knows that you have to pay a lot of baksheesh to get them to turn the lights off... inside the Great Pyramid - let alone, remove all the people from it.

So there were just four of us in the King's chamber - the light went off.  And for twenty minutes we had the place to ourselves in total darkness.  And you can't even see your fingers in front of your face.  We were doing some sound work in there and as God is my witness I actually seen in total darkness a group of people actually come out of the rock in the King's Chamber.

They were about nine feet tall.  They're sort of dressed in sort of white satin. It's as if these priests just came out of the stones, surrounded us in a circle and after twenty minutes I was - oh -oh -oh it was a beautiful experience.  I mean it's changed my life forever.

GN:  Sure

FS:  Uh - one of many, and when I - when the lights came on, I looked at the other guys, and it's clear that we wanted to say something to each other, but we weren't sure what to say.

GN:  Quietly chuckles

FS:  When we walked down in silence we left the building... totally dazed.  And... I said to Worth, that's one of the guys, - I said "Did you see what I saw?  And he said, "You mean, all the guys just came out of the rocks, like the priests came out of the stones and surrounded us in a big circle?" "And they were really tall" (he laughs) And I said, "You really saw that?"  He said, "Absolutely." and all four of us saw the same thing at the same time and, uh...

I did some research on this and of course, the famous story of Napolean came to mind.  Uh - he was left in the Great Pyramid when he invaded Egypt and they opened the door in the morning and let him out - he ran out like a banshee and right up to his death bed.  He would not reveal what happened to him inside the Great Pyramid.

GN:  Wow.

FS:  I spoke to some friends of mine about this experienceA book came out and they called me up and they said, "You know, and one of them was a sound engineer, and he said, "You know, I did some sound work in the Great Pyramid as well, and I saw the same people come out of the same stone in the King's Chamber."

Now  we couldn't make that stuff up. And this guy is very level headed, as am I.

GN:  Did it frighten them? Or enlighten them?

FS:  Oh it was a very enlightening experience,  it - it- it- was humbling.  The only way I can describe it is a sense of total unconditional love. It's as if you'd been actually protected.  I'll never forget it to this day and in fact - I was... I went to my book shelf - I have a big library of books, I had the book on the - it was called, A Search in Secret Egypt by Paul Brunton, an incredible man from the Victorian era.  And he actually went to the Great Pyramid.  He had a bit of an experience there himself.  And I was amazed to learn that in the 1920s... he had exactly the same experience.  He was actually in there for several hours.  He described the same priests coming out of the same stones, in the same way that I did in my book.  And I hadn't read the book before. So we're talking about different people having exactly the same experience at these sites.  It's one of many.  I mean it - like I said - the experience depends on what it is that you take in there.  I mean in many cases in terms of research, and writing.  I have colleagues of mine who spent many, many times (in the great pyramid?)

(Then GN interjects something and the conversation goes off in another direction, and the recording ends there.) 
Freddy Silva first began researching crop circles in 1990 and as his fascination with the subject has grown, therefore his career in modern commerce has plummeted. However, Freddy is today one of the world's foremost experts on crop circles, sacred space, and consciousness. He is the best-selling author of Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles, hailed by many as the most comprehensive and multi-disciplinary study ever undertaken into this fascinating phenomenon. He has also just released the DVD documentary Stairways to Heaven: The Practical Magic of Sacred Space, written and directed by himself.
Freddy is a life-long student of Earth Mysteries, Sacred Space and ancient systems of knowledge. He is an international lecturer, and has appeared on The History Channel and Discovery Channel, as well as numerous video documentaries. In addition, he has been a guest on radio shows throughout the US. 

Crop circles are scientifically proven to be manifestations of energy under intelligent guidance. Over 80 eyewitnesses since 1890 describe them to be made by tubes of light in less than fifteen seconds. The evidence for crop circles as a genuine phenomenon is found in Freddy Silva's book Secrets In The Fields and throughout this site, whose factual research provides an antidote to deliberate falsification of the genuine phenomenon by skeptics, hoaxers and their allies in the media.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Again a call in to Coast to Coast am on December 10, 2004.  We are just reporting what was said and do not have an opinion, either way.  It was a phenomenal case however!

George Noory:  Next up... let's go to our first time caller line.  Hi
Male caller:  How are you doing tonight, George?
George:  I'm doing great.
Caller:  George, my name is ___ and I'm from St. George, Utah.  I'm an excommunicated member and elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

George:  Okay, excommunicated - what happened?

Caller:  George back in 1973 I was a member of The Church of Senior Leadership, the Quorum of the Seventy - are you very familiar with the Churches hierarchy at all?
George:  No - I'm..., and is this 'Truth or Trash'? or is this just.
Caller:  Yes, truth - Truth or Trash
George:  a Story.

Caller:  A member of the Quorum of the Seventy, which - it sits directly below the first presidency.  And I was in the Salt Lake Temple at the time - I was preparing myself in prayer and... the required garments that we were all required for sacred temple ordinances and in route to the great Celestial Room, in the northeast corner of the Salt Lake Temple.

I'll never forget this, George.  It was about half past eleven when the elders had all gathered and knelt in prayer in preparation for Elohim's arrival.

Through the granite wall...came a hand.. bearing a hat... resembling that of a man of the mid to late 1800s and... shortly thereafter that another came through bearing three stones which, one of history would know them to be seer stones.  And shortly thereafter that the entire body... of the churches founding prophet and president Joseph Smith appeared to all of us there... in that Celestial Room.

George:  Who was, I think, killed in Illinois, wasn't he?

Caller:  He was killed in Illinois, in fact.  And, he was martyred on behalf of the church, and it was...

I don't think my heart has beat... a full beat since that day.  It's still back there, because... in preparation for Elohim, and to then be... replaced by Joseph Smith was, was something that I - and I'm sure everyone there will never forget.  I took the story with me in such shock - to the Salt Lake papers.. two to three days afterwards after I had spoke with my wife - who's no longer with us and...

After that I was visited at my home by... a few members of the church, and I was asked to leave the city of Salt Lake, and I have, I have not returned since.

George:  I'm, because we're running out of time - at least for this portion - I am going to be the jury on this one.  And I'm going to say... that, uh - at least you believe this to be true.
Caller:  You're very right.
George:  And - and- there's no doubt you would not have made up a story like that.
Caller:  That's - it's unbelievable.
George:  Did other people believe you?
Caller:  Uuhh... and there's - belief is very hard to describe it - if some people - beliefs are... covered... by their fears.  And they won't let their beliefs come through when their fears are... suffocating them - if you know what I mean.

George:  Sure.

Caller:  And.. I think... the people that I talk to that have been forced down a certain  - a line of thinking, so to speak, for their entire lives would not open their minds up to the horizon... of possibilities that this... did happen.

George:  Were you angry... because you were excommunicated?

Caller:  They say the truth will set you free, and it does set you free.  I know what happened that day, and so does the other sixty-nine Quorum members that were there, and the three members of the First Presidency.

George:  And that's the - and that's all that matters.  Thanks for the story,. appreciate it.  I believe that to be true, at least, based on what you feel, and that, right now is the most important thing.

I'll be back in a moment, open lines continue, 'Truth or Trash' continues.  I'm George Noory... and this is Coast to Coast AM.

Again a call in to Coast to Coast am on December 10, 2004.  We are just reporting what was said and do not have an opinion, either way.  It was a phenomenal case however!

George Noory:  Next up... let's go to our first time caller line.  Hi
Male caller:  How are you doing tonight, George?
George:  I'm doing great.
Caller:  George, my name is ___ and I'm from St. George, Utah.  I'm an excommunicated member and elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

George:  Okay, excommunicated - what happened?

Caller:  George back in 1973 I was a member of The Church of Senior Leadership, the Quorum of the Seventy - are you very familiar with the Churches hierarchy at all?
George:  No - I'm..., and is this 'Truth or Trash'? or is this just.
Caller:  Yes, truth - Truth or Trash
George:  a Story.

Caller:  A member of the Quorum of the Seventy, which - it sits directly below the first presidency.  And I was in the Salt Lake Temple at the time - I was preparing myself in prayer and... the required garments that we were all required for sacred temple ordinances and in route to the great Celestial Room, in the northeast corner of the Salt Lake Temple.

I'll never forget this, George.  It was about half past eleven when the elders had all gathered and knelt in prayer in preparation for Elohim's arrival.

Through the granite wall...came a hand.. bearing a hat... resembling that of a man of the mid to late 1800s and... shortly thereafter that another came through bearing three stones which, one of history would know them to be seer stones.  And shortly thereafter that the entire body... of the churches founding prophet and president Joseph Smith appeared to all of us there... in that Celestial Room.

George:  Who was, I think, killed in Illinois, wasn't he?

Caller:  He was killed in Illinois, in fact.  And, he was martyred on behalf of the church, and it was...

I don't think my heart has beat... a full beat since that day.  It's still back there, because... in preparation for Elohim, and to then be... replaced by Joseph Smith was, was something that I - and I'm sure everyone there will never forget.  I took the story with me in such shock - to the Salt Lake papers.. two to three days afterwards after I had spoke with my wife - who's no longer with us and...

After that I was visited at my home by... a few members of the church, and I was asked to leave the city of Salt Lake, and I have, I have not returned since.

George:  I'm, because we're running out of time - at least for this portion - I am going to be the jury on this one.  And I'm going to say... that, uh - at least you believe this to be true.
Caller:  You're very right.
George:  And - and- there's no doubt you would not have made up a story like that.
Caller:  That's - it's unbelievable.
George:  Did other people believe you?
Caller:  Uuhh... and there's - belief is very hard to describe it - if some people - beliefs are... covered... by their fears.  And they won't let their beliefs come through when their fears are... suffocating them - if you know what I mean.

George:  Sure.

Caller:  And.. I think... the people that I talk to that have been forced down a certain  - a line of thinking, so to speak, for their entire lives would not open their minds up to the horizon... of possibilities that this... did happen.

George:  Were you angry... because you were excommunicated?

Caller:  They say the truth will set you free, and it does set you free.  I know what happened that day, and so does the other sixty-nine Quorum members that were there, and the three members of the First Presidency.

George:  And that's the - and that's all that matters.  Thanks for the story,. appreciate it.  I believe that to be true, at least, based on what you feel, and that, right now is the most important thing.

I'll be back in a moment, open lines continue, 'Truth or Trash' continues.  I'm George Noory... and this is Coast to Coast AM.

Thursday, February 14, 2013



In this blog I wanted to relate some history that you newer people may not be aware of, especially about the fictitious story of people living inside the earth.  It was strictly out of Ray Palmer's imagination as he alludes to in the article.

Several different persons are alluded to in the case of the Maury Island UFOs. (I used to live on this island - Aileen) One of them named Harold Dahl was my previous husband's cousin.  It was a mystery to the family that he totally disappeared.  That was many years ago so I do not know if he ever turned up again.  There are some significant investigators that have followed this case for years.  So here we go, this is what Ray Palmer has to say:
Kenneth Arnold

Today, of course, it would be rather difficult to claim that the UFO is Ray Palmer's private property, and is strictly out of his imagination.  But all the same, it might be a good idea to set newcomers straight about the actual history of the flying saucers, beginning in 1943.

It all began with Richard Shaver and his stories of people living inside the earth.  As science fiction, this was a winner.  It increased the circulation of Amazing Stories 50,000 over night, and held it there for 4 years.  But few people realized that very early in this "mystery," a number of things occurred which convinced the editor of Amazing Stories (your present editor - Ray Palmer) that there was something besides fiction in the manuscripts and letters written by this Pennsylvania welder who heard voices.  One of those things, to stay strictly on our present subject, was flying saucers.  If Shaver was telling the truth, obviously flying saucers would have to be observed by somebody, sooner or later.  So we carefully documented things for ourselves by publishing everything about them, and making a sort of "prediction" that they would appear.  When Kenneth Arnold reported them, it was like having the papal "imprimature" stamped on our magazine.

Approximately a month later, the first important thing happened.  A man named Crisman reported that flying saucers had actually appeared over Maury Island, near Tacoma, Washington, and that there were, on the beach, tons of fragments from one of them which had been in trouble.  He even sent a cigar-box full of the fragments.  An analysis of the fragments brought out one fact that your editor was not about to ignore - the element calcium which would not burn off at high temperatures, present in what otherwise seemed to be ordinary slag.  So, we wondered who to send to investigate whom we could be reasonably sure would know what he was looking for; that man was Kenneth Arnold.

We wrote him and asked him if he would go to Maury Island and check Crisman's story.  He wired us and said if we would send him $500 he would fly up there.  We sent him the $500.  As Ken put it later (and this was our first contact with him, notwithstanding Air Force hints to the contrary), since we had been the only ones to put our money where our mouth was, he agreed to give his story to us, and not to all the other publishers who were trying to get it from him.

In Ken's book "The Coming of the Saucers," which we have just reprinted in paper-back form, he describes the incredible adventure that happened to him and to Captain Smith of United Airlines.  It was on August 1, 1947 that Arnold, Crisman, Dahl, Smith called your editor in the middle of the night to say they were pulling out, because they were frightened, and had called in Military Intelligence (Davidson and Brown).  When Ken told your editor that these two men had loaded the fragments in their B-25 Bomber to fly them back to Hamilton Air force Base for examination, a few things clicked into place in our mind.  We found we were too late to prevent Brown and Davidson from taking off, but we did insist that Ken leave his plane in Tacoma, and take the train back.  He wanted to know why, and we said it was too dangerous.  He laughed at us.  But two hours later, he called again to tell us that Davidson and Bron were dead.  He wasn't laughing this time.

But Ken is no chicken.  He did fly back home.  But he didn't make it, just as we predicted.  He has never forgotten the take-off crash, and how it happened.

It is this factor of pre-knowledge that at first got people to believing that the UFO must be a Palmer fake.  But when the pre-knowledge began to include such things as death for two men, a crashed plane that could not have been an accident, and a nineteen-year prediction that nobody would ever catch a flying saucer, or be able to back up a sighting with proof, and that no existing military aircraft or weapon could ever catch one or shoot one down, then it becomes more than a "fake" - it becomes something so "far out" that there is only one recourse; bury the whole thing under the rug.  It is a peculiarity of the 'authority', when he can't explain a thing, he denies that it exists.

That is the official position today. (1966) UFOs "exist", but they are not flying saucers - just unidentified objects (all of which could be identified as natural and unterrifying things, if sufficient information were available to track them down).  "There is no evidence that flying saucers (UFO) are interplanetary vehicles, and they do not constitute a menace to national security."  You know the stock statement as well as we do.  And we couldn't agree more!

Thus it is that when members of the Air Force, such as Davidson and Brown, and many others since then, encounter a far different sort of mystery, they become confused and bewildered.  We can imagine the thoughts of Brown and Davidson as they rode their flaming B-25 into the side of a mountain, knowing they had "no way out."  Your editor can't back up that statement, of course, without being climbed all over by the military people, but we can say that on that same plane there were two "hitch-hikers."  On military craft, military personnel can hitch rides if the plane is going their way.  These two riders were present, and then the plane caught fire, they were given parachutes (or maybe they already had them on, we can't be sure of this), and told by the two intelligence men to jump.  Their account lets this editor know that Davidson and Brown had plenty of time to save themselves, but they did not.  This also confused the Sheriff at Kelso, Washington, who watched the crash.  We suppose he is still wondering why Davidson and Brown didn't jump, because he knows they had time

Ken Arnold wonders how your editor was able to predict that the fragments that Arnold himself could testify were placed in the plane, were not found in the wreck, and he knew too that they were searched for in the most intense sifting of an area ever carried out by a search team.

It was very important to somebody that those fragments never get to Hamilton Air Force Base, whose men had no business in this affair in the first place, and were in it only because of Ken Arnold's unpredtable decision to call them in.

Your editor can't prove a thing.  But he agrees with Ruppelt - this was one of the cruelest hoaxes of all time.  It was designed to "kill" the flying saucers invented by Ray Palmer for all time.  There never were five "saucers" over Maury Island.  They did not leave tons of fragments on the beach.  No harbor patrol boat was damaged by those falling fragments.  No dog was killed aboard that patrol boat.  No person suffered an arm injury from the fragments (from something else, yes) that necessitated hospital treatment.  In short, the Maury Island incident was not an incident at all.  The fragments later produced DID come from the slag piles of the Tacoma smelter!

It may seem strange to hear Ray Palmer say that one of the most famous of all saucer sightings never occurred.  But if you read Ken's book, thinking about what it says in the light of what we know now, you will agree with him.  The whole book reads like an Alfred Hitchcock terror story, replete with mysterious men in black in black sedans, haunted houses where spider-webs appear like magic to give the lie to your previous night visit to real people who lived there 12 hours ago, but  cannot  be found in the light of day, and the very rooms in which you sat, having coffee, are dusty, unfurnished, decked with webs that could not have taken less than weeks to accumulate.  Yet, every word in it is true!

Not two, but seven men have died, who were involved in the Maury Island incident.  All these deaths have been mysterious.  What happened to Dahl, the man who piloted that "non-existent" patrol boat?  Where is Crisman, the man who first reports Shaver's Dero are real, because he was in a Burma cave where they wounded him with a ray, then turns up as the master-mind in charge of a flying saucer fake?

Flying saucers are that ORIGINAL cigar-box full of fragments sent to your editor by Crisman,  They are NOT the fragments from the Tacoma smelter.  Flying saucers ARE the things seen on radar.  They are NOT the things seen over Giant Rock.  Flying saucers ARE the things that cause the disappearance of military aircraft over Lake Superior.  They are NOT the Virgina "monster" that leaves a foul smell to terrify the local hill-folk. Flying saucers ARE the thousands of reports by reputable people, such as airline pilots, traffic officers, scientists, governors, and people usually regarded as possessing integrity.  They are NOT swamp gas.

But one thing is sure; they are NOT identifiable to date, but we want to be around when they are!  The unfailing efforts to discredit them that have been undertaken by so many official sources are a prod that keeps conviction alive.

We are now engaged in a new discovery era on this planet - the exploration of space.  We are also engaged in a new search on this earth, the search for the REAL earth - because we have discovered we know very little at all bout the nature of the world we live on; and from the depths of the oceans to the moon itself, we are learning there is more to it than we suspected, it took the flying saucers to prove it to us.  They've got to hide somewhere, and it has to be somewhere other than interplanetary space.

"There is no evidence that we are being visited by interplanetary vehicles...." (Says who!)

And that is what Ray Palmer had to say about the Maury Island Incident.   

Try to find Kenneth Arnold's book, "The Coming of the Saucers" and it will fill in what Ray Palmer has alluded to. 


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The following was heard on Coast to Coast am from a caller to George Noory.  Guest was Maria Jones.

There are several more interesting calls on different dates that we will be submitting so keep tuned!

George Noory:  We've got Rex in Tucson, Arizona - first time caller.  Good morning, Rex.

Rex:  Good morning George.  How are you? 

GN:  Okay, Sir.  Thank you.

Rex:  In 1981 I was doing home repair work and I met a fella who was a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force.  Over a number of months for 'im - we 'came pretty good friends.  And he and I got into a lot of philosophical conversations.  One day he says, "Have you ever heard of an area called "Dreamland?"

Marie Jones:  (Delighted) Aaah. (she has a good laugh, more delight.)

Rex:  I said, "No I haven't."  At the time I really hadn't.  But, by this time in my life I - I'm thoroughly into it.  But at the time he said - he said to me, he says, "well, I did a lot of flying, he says, 'up in Nevada,' he says, "if you can think of it, he says, 'they are working on it there.'

I've always been a time... time travel fanatic, and I says, 'Are they working on time travel?' And he said, "I took an oath that I wouldn't say anything.  When I retire, I could lose my retirement benefits and everything that I've worked for,' but he says,'If you can think of it, they are working on it.'

Rex:  So over the years, I've - you know - I've listened to people - their stories on Area 51 - Dreamland - all of this.  And I put this together over the years - and I think one of these days I'm gonna have to get through to Art or George and tell 'em this  story, because it was unbelievable at the time.

And it really captured my imagination.  One of the things he said, 'If I could go back in time,' he says, 'Id love to study the Bible and see' ya know 'see this'. I thought 'that's incredible.  I don't think I would like to change anything in y life.  Because I'm very happy with my life as it is.  Hey, I'm just afraid I'd just screw up something along the line.

GN:  Makes it worse

Rex:  Yeah, makes it worse, ya know, cause I'm so happy right now with my life - I've got a great life and I thought, 'you know, there are other things.. that would be interesting to see - but I'm afraid..  You know, it's like I've always thought about... woo - what were the disasters that people like to go back to and study - and I'm thinking... what if somebody, as a recreational time traveler, actually caused these disasters in the past by changing something.'

GN:  Great Story.

Rex:  For years I have been wanting to get through and tell that story.  Ya know, I met this guy - he was an incredible person - he's still alive.  But I just thought you know - that's interesting.  He says, 'If you can think of it, they're working on it."

GN:  That backs up many of the things that we've thought about area 51 indeed.  Rex, thanks for that story - sharing that with us as well.