Ricky Wills lives in the UK. He is an interesting man who caught my attention when I heard about his past life experience. I was able to interview Ricky about his remarkable experience with a past life event. This is Ricky’s story.
Ricky told me that he did not really have any thoughts one way or the other about Reincarnation or multiple life experiences until this event happened to him.
Ricky is a curious man who is always up for new experienced and adventures. Along his way in life Ricky came to know a man by way of a friend of a friend who used hypnotism as an aid to allow people to recall past lifetimes.
Ricky thought this would be interesting and agreed to be hypnotized to see if he was able to recall any of his past lives.
Ricky was not all that trusting that any of this could work and certainly did not know if it would work on him. The man who did the regressions was a small man, who did not seem able to handle the exercise involved in this past life regression, which involved the person being hypnotized to fall backwards while being caught, by the man doing the hypnotizing. Ricky standing 6ft 5” in height felt less than confident the short thin hypnotist carrying out the exercise could carry off the exercise of having him fall and catching him plus other practices used to create the state needed to bring him to the place where he could recall another life. Ricky went along with it all to see if the man could bring out a past life remembrance from the regression session.
Ricky does not recall the session other than coming out of it. He was surprised to learn he had a full recall of an entire other life!
Ricky told a detailed life of a man who died in 1892 in Tring England. His name was Edward Collins. He was 34 years old when he died. He had a wife and two children both girls. By trade Edward was a printer. He did not have a glamorous life. He was neither a rich man nor poor, just an average man for the time. Ricky told them during his regression that he remembered always being ashamed of his dirty stained fingers. Working as a printer he could never remove the ink from his hands and spent his life always trying to hide his black dyed fingers.
Ricky said he stepped in front of a horse drawn coal cart, which ran him over and died instantly in 1892 at the age of 34.
Ricky was astonished he gave so many exact details during his past life regression. He also was disappointed he did not recall being a King or famous person but a simple printer.
One incredible detail of the regression was that Ricky knew that when he was buried as Edward his wife at that time forgot to place a pin of hers in his coffin before they closed it. She was frantic about it and they had her toss the pin down when lowering the coffin into Edwards grave.
Instead of falling upon his coffin this pin missed its mark for a second time and ended up lying in the ground about a foot down in the ground on top of Edwards coffin. It has remained there all these years.
Time passed and Ricky and his present life wife seemed to forget about Ricky’s past life experience until they decided to take a small holiday near the town of Tring where the man Edward lived and died. Ricky could not resist the temptation and arranged to tour the town on their holiday.
The town of Tring did not seem at all overly familiar to Ricky. He did ask around and found that an old cemetery was located near to where they were staying. Ricky could not resist looking while in this town in the cemetery to see if by chance he could find a Edward Collins buried there around 1892.
Ricky and his wife walked about the graveyard looking at all the old worn out headstones when they soon came upon it. Right in front of them stood the headstone of Edward Collins- who died 1892 age 34. To say Ricky and his wife were stunned is an understatement.
Ricky stood there looking in shock. Was her really looking at himself, his old body? The sensation of it all was like nothing he experienced before He did not know if he wanted to laugh or cry- stand or sit.
Ricky dropped to his knees and start to dig. His wife was shocked and immediately began to question Ricky. “Ricky!” She gasped, “What in the world are you doing? Stop that” His wife bent down next to him while Ricky kept digging “ If this is all true that pin will be right here and I am going to find it. The worst thing will be a bit of dirt taken out that I will just shovel back in. I am going to dig down about a foot”
Ricky didn’t have to go the whole foot, about 10 inches down he found it. A very antique looking pin lying there in the dirt right where he predicted it would be during his regression. Ricky and his wife just stood there looking at the old dirty pin in Ricky’s hand and at each other.
Ricky keeps this pin in a box on his dresser in his bedroom. His wife does not feel right wearing it, they just hold on to it. Ricky’s adventure has been a life changing one. I have to say Ricky’s adventure has given me cause to think as well. I will never doubt those odd feelings I have been to a place before or recall a sight or smell I have never known before.

Ricky is known to be overly concerned about crossing the street. In fact Ricky has been known to pull a few to safety who stepped into the road in a dangerous fashion. It all now seems to make sense to Ricky.
Thinking about this story made me realize why in my own life I fear height or recall the smell of wood burning in a fireplace as second nature when I have a gas fireplace in my home! We may all walk around with memories that are simply not of this life but part of our souls memory.
The picture of the pin above is the actual pin Ricky dug up that day!
Thanks to Chris Holly of Chris Holly's Paranormal World
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