I was sent a monograph about the petroglyphs that Dan Eden of Viewzone researched beginning in Colorado. I have extracted the most important parts in order to connect the dots and bring the story to a conclusion. Following is an annotated version of the long story I was sent without extraneous writings.
Thank you Dan for your important research. If you wish to read the entire monograph go to: www.viewzone.com/tells-all18.html
“One evening in early December I got a call. It was from a professor of mid-Eastern languages, stationed at Brigham Young University. He asked about an article he had read on Viewzone a while back. It was a small piece I had written about some strange petroglyphs - old rock carvings - that were found just outside the remote cattle town of LaJunta, Colorado.
The rocks were located in a few isolated canyons, South of LaJunta, Colorado, and were first brought to my attention by a resident of the town named Bill McGlone. McGlone was a retired engineer who had lived and worked all over America and had been stationed in Southeast Colorado during one of h is jobs.
McGlone was a highly intelligent man of Scottish heritage. In his younger days he was also fond of hiking and exploring the wilderness and of taking photographs. He first noticed the collections of strange symbols, etched into the canyon walls, and assumed that they were graffiti left by the Comanche Indians that once inhabited the region. But on closer inspection, he saw that they were quire unusual and unlike any other Native American petroglyphs in surrounding states.
Bill found traditional Indian art with scenes of hunting rituals and humanoid figures with feathers affixed to their head. He also found images of horses - unknown to America until the Spanish brought the animal here in the 16th Century, but these carvings were often done on top of the other petroglyphys. This suggested that the more worn and unusual petroglyphs were much older and perhaps made by a different people.
After collecting photographs and meticulously cataloging the petroglyphs of this older era, McGlone discovered something else that was not typically Native American. He noticed that these petroglphys contained the same 22 symbols that were repeated over and over, in various combinations and in different order. He believed this showed that they had a phonetic value and were signs of an ancient alphabet.
McGlone had also noticed a third type of petroglyph that resembled the Celtic language of Ogam. He had better success in reading these carved symbols and, with the help of a well known writer, Barry Fell, he convinced the State of Colorado to protect and preserve many of these ancient sites. But there was little protection for the mysterious petroglyphs that I had documented and they were often in the heart of a cattle ranch an being trampled underfoot by cattle and eroded by the elements.
In the Southern desert of Israel, called the Negev, a team from Harvard University had discovered the remains of a collapsed turquoise mine that was operated by a Pharaoh of Egypt almost 3500 years ago. The mine was remarkable because it had collapsed with miners still inside but had not been reclaimed and was left intact from that era. When the team of archeologists began to excavate and clear the mine of debris they noticed a strange collection of shapes and symbols had been carved on the inside walls of the shaft.
Since organic wood was recovered from the beams used to shore up the mine, very precise dates of the artifacts were obtained and pointed to a time of about 1500 BC. Dr. Harris knew that the mine was commissioned by the Egyptian dynasty but he also knew that the workers would have been drawn from the surrounding tribes of that region, and that they would have spoken, and written, a dialect known as proto-Canaanite.
The act that the symbols in the Negev numbered twenty-two, more or less, was highly significant. The proto-Canaanite language had twenty-two written phonetic symbols. Over time, Dr. Harris managed to read the writing and revealed his finding in his little read book, “The Name of God.” The writing was also subsequently found in the region immediately surrounding the mine and consisted of bitter comments about the working conditions of the mine, as well as fear that the mine was unsafe, and many well known phrases or devotion to a deity called Yah and El.
(Dan sent his photographs to Dr. Harris for his interpretation.) He had translated much of what I sent to him, including one rather mysterious panel that had looked to both McGlone and me, particularly important.
The panel in question was part of a very long, 60 foot wide, section of a canyon wall that was covered with writing. At the far right there was what appeared to be an image of a ship, complete with sails and rigging, and the image I sent him was of the last panel, to the far left.
It read, in proto-Canaanite, “The First I Am of Yah to the Last I Am of Yah.” It appeared that this was evidence of a connection between the people of ancient Sanai and the Center of America - but how could this be?
What is the difference between proto-Canaanite and “root Hebrew?” The latter is the same Hebrew that is spoken today but is imited to words found in the Talmud, and limited further to those having no more than two or three consonants.
I purchased a Talmudic Hebrew dictionary at a local book store and over the course of three months I completed a database of root words, their English equivalent and mated the database with a javascripted program that allowed the user to select the alphabetical symbols. It was an amazingly simple but effective solution to the dilemma and I was soon confirming the translation of Dr. Harris and then moving beyond the work that I had shared with him.
In the Spring of 2000, I decided I would see how my translation program worked in the field, and planned a trip to Colorado, to study the petroglyphs.
The land was owned by a wealthy rancher and he had surrounded the ranch with miles of barbed wire and “Keep Out” signs. As soon as e crossed on to his land he was upon us in his white pickup truck with a rifle. He refused to allow us access and pretended he had no knowledge of any petroglyphs and did not even want to discuss the matter.
After the help of a City official the rancher would be happy to allow me on the land, and would be expecting me at his ranch to give me the keys to the locked fences. After this incident we were welcomed to many other ranches and found even more petroglyphs. The translation program was running on a portable laptop and successfully gave a voice to the odd shapes and weathered stones. The messages were indeed old, in proto-Canaanite, and they gave a deadly prophecy.
Whoever wrote the petroglyphs came from the mid-East. There were multiple references to the land of Kan, or Canaan, images of ships and the narration of a perilous journey. They suffered not only a crisis of physical dilemmas but of faith.
As I translated the script, from the far right where the picture of the ship was pecked into the stone wall, to the far left, where Dr. Harris had translated the phrase, “The First I Am of Yah to the Last I Am of Yah” something unexpected appeared in the texts. There were references to the “burning sky.”
The site with the long panel of petroglyphs appeared to be meant as a single story, perhaps the history of the epic journey that the authors had taken to get here. It was almost 20 feet above the current earth. Thousands of years had worn away the underlying soil and made the once eye-level writing artificially elevated. Also, the more recent petroglyphs of American Indians, with images of horses and feathered headed men, were now only half as high on these same cliffs.
The older script was also black with what i s called patina. It forms a thick black crust as the moisture leaches manganese from the stones and is a testament to the antiquity of the writing. The Native Indian petroglyphs were bright and fresh, as if made yesterday.
Not all of the ancient script was intact. Certain sections were worn by the weather and sand blasted by the wind, but enough of it was there to get the story. The authors had come to this location on purpose. They were not lost or exploring without a destination. And they arrived in poor shape, sick and with many lives lost in the journey. They arrived and stopped and made a temple to Yah.
One panel described how they were perplexed. They had no shelter or location for the temple’s “holy of holies,” and so used the cloth from their sail to make a tent “for the Father, Yah.” There was even a crude image of the tent to accompany the story.
After they had established themselves in the location they wrote their prophecy in the form of a warning. They spoke of the “arm of El” no longer protecting the people from the sky, and of being “burned by the sky.” They made references to the location as a “ safe zone” and that people should “seek shelter under the earth.” There were also references to “half-breeds” and the “white sect.”
I published the photos and some vague translations, but I withheld the real substance of what I had learned from the petroglyphs. Over the next few weeks I received lots of e-mail, mostly telling me about similar sites and asking me if I wanted to visit and photograph areas in Arizona and Utah.
But one day I received an e-mail from a man that contained a picture of similar petroglyphs. In fact, they were almost identical to the ones I was studying. I replied immediately, asking him where in Colorado he was from and on which ranch these petroglyphs were located. He wrote right back to me. They were not from Colorado but were taken in the remote outback of South Australia.
The man was John McGovern.. He sent more photographs from the same area and I anxiously translated the symbols and sent the texts back to him. I could not believe that the same writing was so widely dispersed. The questions aroused by this fact were profound. We went back and forth for about two weeks. Finally John sent me something that made my hair stand on end.
I had expected to see an image of a rock or canyon face with the typically pecked outline of the familiar shapes of the ancient proto-Canaanite language, but as the image assembled on my computer screen it was white -a page from a book - and it contained the phrase, in bold English letters, “The First I Am of Yah to the Last I am of Yah.”
This was the exact phrase that Dr. Harris had translated from my photographs of Colorado. It was the last panel of the 60 foot long script that described the “burning sky.” The petroglyphs were at least 2000 years old so I was shocked to see the same phrase on a printed page. I read his note, that accompanied the image, “Hi mate. Thought this would grab ya!”
Needless to say I was curious about the book. I wrote back as fast as my fingers could type, asking where this had come from and who wrote it. The delay from opposite time zones was frustrating but John replied the next day with yet another scanned image from the same book. This time it was a printed map of the world.
I carefully looked at the map and noticed it had been marked by a dozen points. North America contained three of them - one precisely printed on the area in Colorado where I had found the petroglyphs. In Australia there was also a mark that coincided with the location where John said he had photographed the petroglyphs he sent to me. I was puzzled and confused. I wrote to John, asking him to tell me everything he knew about the petroglyphs, the mysterious points on the map and to help make some sense out of the whole phenomenon.
Oddly, John was not immediately forthcoming with his disclosure. He told me that he had found my photographs by accident and that he had been similarly shocked when he saw the similarities - even more so when he learned the location of the petroglyphs. He alluded to a “secret group” of people that were aware of such things and insisted that I not publish anything that he would tell me about the matter.
Over the next several weeks, John McGovern sent me more pages from a rare book called The Keys of Enoch, written by a man known as Dr. J. J. Hurtak. The book was divided into various chapters, called “keys” and each key disclosed the knowledge of a revelation that was supposed to have been experienced by Dr. Hurtak concerning the future events of Earth and its people.
McGovern explained that the page he had sent to me was, ironically, the last “key” in the book - much the same as it was the final panel in the long 60 foot proto-Canaanite narrative. He also quoted other passages from the book that gave the exact longitude meridian where the petroglyphs in Colorado would be found. These were confirmed to be within 300 yards of the actual sites by checking my detailed maps and surveys of the area.
I knew that Bill McGlone was alone in his discovery and appreciation of the Colorado petroglyphs. They were so remote, and on private land, that it seemed doubtful that Hurtak would ever have knowledge of their exact location. Nevertheless, Hurtak had published these facts in the 1970s, well before McGlone had even visited Colorado.
John described a similar experience in Australia. He had found the site with similar petroglyphs in a very remote area of the Australian outback, many years before he happened to read about the coincidental location described in Hurtak’s book. Since there was only one zone in the entire Australian continent, McGovern did not know what the other petroglyph in different zones would look like and so he was surprised to see the same symbols in America.
We both knew we had found something significant. John was sure that it somehow related to the prophecies in Hurtak’s book. But I was more hesitant to believe this without exploring other possibilities.
In December of that year I got a new collection of images from my Australian friend. These were in the same alphabet as the proto-Canaanite script but the symbols were perfected in a font style and were beautifully cast in both stone and bronze. The note that accompanied them simply read. “Hey mate - look what they found in Yemen!”
The images were from a small town called Mareb, in the Republic of Yemen. They were taken by the University of Calgary who had sent an archaeological team to finish the interrupted excavations of the famous archaeologist, Wendel Philips, on whose character the famous series of Indiana Jones films were based.
Wendele Philips was not looking for the famed “lost Ark” when he began to search the ruins of neighboring Ethiopia, but he did find the Western portion of the queen’s kingdom there and followed the trail back to Yemen, to the small tribal village of Mareb. There he convinced the Bedouin tribes to let him dig in the sand and he soon found the top of a buried structure that once belonged to the Queen of Sheba herself.
The University of Calgary had just started the excavations again when they discovered a large wall that encircled the complex, 60 feet in height, 15 feet thick, and covered with rows of script that no one could translate. The images of this wall wee in McGovern’s e-mail to me. As soon as I saw them I could recognize bits and pieces, familiar words and phrases of the proto-Canaanite text. But this was all pristine text that had been protected by the desert sand for 3000 years - not a worn and weathered petroglyph - and so I was anxious to work on it.
I stayed up all night working on a single photograph of one section of the wall, about 20 feet wide, that had a single line of symbols running in a horizontal line. There were hundreds of symbols to be deciphered. My program was working like a dream and I was filling a notebook with words as soon as they appeared on the screen of my computer. I was so impatient that I didn’t bother to make sense of the translation until I had completed the entire row that was visible in the photograph.
The poem, or prose, was speaking about a “son,” a “father” and of the “beautiful spirit.” There were also unusual ligatures, or combinations of two letters, that formed the familiar word for “God,” spelled “El.” But what did it mean?
It read as follows: (portions of the text were obscured by some workers standing in front of the wall)...”because the Son was aware of the essence that was in him
“And when the happiness of the Son was poisoned by the news that his father passing on the anger lifted when the son was told the location of the Father’s great box of EL. (Ed. The Ark of the Covenant)
“Ans when the happiness of the Son was poisoned by the action of the beautiful Lord’s movement the Son was made happy to swear to protect the box of EL, and to be associated with the Lord’s spirit.
“And his gloom lifted.
The Son constructed a chamber for the beautiful Lord’s spirit and covered it up. He accompanied the chamber of the Lord underneath to pray and to gain understanding and to protect...” (interrupted again by workers in the photograph)
It was beautiful to read words that had been hidden for so long, and also a bit surreal. I didn’t know what it meant, who was the “son” and his “father?” And what on Earth could the “box of EL” mean?
I sent my translations to Australia the next morning by e-mail. John seemed pleased and rewarded me by sending another image. This one was a photograph of a large brass plate, covered with the ancient alphabet, that had been found inside the temple of Sheba. It was originally a cylinder that surrounded one of the tall columns but only one side of a small portion was displayed. Still, it had lots of symbols and was a good project to keep me from thinking about other things.
This time the text spoke mainly about a woman who was referred to simply as “the mother.” The text read from right to left, but because it was only a partial view of the entire brass plaque, it started and ended in mid-thought. Nonetheless, it was enough to piece together a story. By the end of the evening I had finished most of it.
It seemed to be a continuation of the narrative on the wall.
...the Mother listened through the aperture of the Son in his chamber to see if he renounced the agreement with the Lord …
...because the sorrowful mother assembled around the chamber a wall without mortar so that she might rescue the son …
… she watched the son through the aperture and saw it illuminated and heard thunder and feared for the son...
… the son increased his knowledge of the future and the son shook and trembled from the knowledge of the unknown …
… to save her son because of the silence and because the worm had moved out from the aperture and great was her sorrow …
… moved from silence to judge if the son foresaw the loving mother wail and doubt his agreement with the Lord …
… the spirit (no translation) was happy to be made blind on account of the box and the son’s brother-in-law suffered increased painful study …
… the round city to protect her poor son and the mother then slowly encircled the foundation of the chamber …
… to judge the poor mother so the dwelling place of the box was obscured and the mother was also fearful that the sea would rise …
… so the proud mother’s love for her only son made her to fortify the chamber of the box in case the earth might tremble …
I was beginning to see a story in my notes, but the characters were unreal. I needed to know more about this old kingdom, the Queen of Sheba and whether she indeed had a son.
I worked tirelessly for hours on the stone. The stone was interesting because it had a more casual style of printing, similar to hand lettering, and included a few symbols I had never encountered before. It also had an end to the text. There was a horizontal strip of letters that suddenly finished, leaving the stone bare. But there were also chunks of the block that had been removed, taking with them the letters and eliminating the possibility of translating the missing words.
Again, the block started in mid-sentence:
“...the son also did not foresee the optimal time for drinking one’s fill because of the unknown powers in the world of his future offspring and so the world of his progeny would remained sealed …
… we pray that the crop (people) will be purified but do not encourage the harvest (of the people) prematurely as the Lord will burn the evil nations from the sky but let the son have dominion over the grain (creatures) and do not rise up until friendly nations are here …
… enter also to destroy and let the son predict the leader of these ripe seeds and the son will rejoice for the age of the ‘box of EL’ ….
… the proud mother’s son loves the fresh nation but respect the dwelling place of the body and tabulate the danger from salt water …
… and the son but do not bind the Lord to have plenty but unite the people in prayer on the mound and woe let the friends of the son rejoice and love because love can at last be lofty …
… real hiding place but wanted to agree to cause the Lord to escape but why shed tears for the imprisoned? The mother made the construction to be worthy of the delicate Lord and to praise the Creator …”
… the son foresaw the leader … (part of block missing here) … and the nation revered this son indeed”
John McGovern called Dan on the phone.
John spoke with me for about an hour. He had just read my e-mail and the translations and was very excited. I asked him if he had any idea what it all meant and he then, for the first time, told me the story of Solomon, Sheba and Menelik.
The time was around 1000 BC. Solomon had established his temple in Jerusalem and his wealth and power were widely known throughout the region. The Ark of the Covenant, the “box” that Moses had used to converse with God, was kept in the temple’s “Holy of Holies.” Solomon had a son, Nathan, by one of his many wives. Such was the custom of those times.
The Holy Koran, the Islamic text given to Mohammed by an angel of God, describes a time when Solomon is told of another kingdom to the South, run by a woman, that wealth and power equaling that of his own. He is told that the queen of this empire is beautiful and wise. The news arouses his curiosity and he sends messengers to invite the queen to visit him in Jerusalem.
The Queen of Sheba receives his invitation and is also curious to meet with this distant king. She packs a large caravan of camels and brings gifts of gold, frankincense and other precious commodities and arrives in Jerusalem, where she and Solomon maintain a courtship, testing each other’s intellect and wisdom with word games and puzzles.
It is believed that Solomon and Sheba were married, and that Sheba returned to her palace in Yemen pregnant with her only son, Menelik.
Menelik grew wise and became curious to meet his father. When he reached adulthood he made the journey North to Jerusalem. Upon meeting his father for the first time, Menelik was greeted and welcomed by Solomon, who remarked how much the young man resembled his own father, David. Menelik was given a special ring and was asked to share a secret with Solomon prior to returning to the Sabaean kingdom in Yemen.
A few years later, Jerusalem was invaded by the Assyrians and the temple was destroyed. Shortly after this happened, Menelik is said to have been told where Solomon had hidden the Ark of the Covenant and retrieve the Ark, protecting it in his mother’s kingdom.
Not much is written about other events, or the location of the Ark, but the queen soon abruptly abandoned her Yemen kingdom, with its elaborate palaces and temples, and moved her kingdom across the Red Sea to Ethiopia. The land where her once powerful and fertile kingdom was located was allowed to be absorbed by the desert sands and forgotten. Soon, the queen’s old kingdom was itself invaded by enemies, but the buried temple and palace were never found.
The present village of Mareb, in Yemen, is located near the famous dam that once irrigated the Sabaean kingdom. It is an old city, built upon a mound and now inhabited by Bedouins. The history and significance of the region had been entirely forgotten, even to folklore, until the brief excavations by Wendel Philips in the1950’s.
John’s research was brilliant. It made sense of the translated story. The “mother’ was the Queen of Sheba and the “son” was Menelik. Further, the “box of EL” was the lost Ark! We had certainly found something significant but we were both puzzled about what to do next.
In an act of desperation, I summarized my translations and sent them to Yemen, to the attention of the president, Abdul Saleh. It was a long shot. I was no one. I was a programmer with no background in either archaeology or linguistics. Who would listen to me?
Apparently someone did.
One day I received an e-mail that invited me to write a brief summary for the Yemen Times. I sent them the article and it was printed. Soon I was receiving inquiries about the text and, ultimately, I was invited to come to Yemen to inspect the site in person.
While the logistics of the trip were being considered, another surprising invitation was made, this time by Dr. J. J. Hurtak - the author of the Keys of Enoch. I was asked to meet with him at a restaurant in New York City, for lunch and conversation. He said he had something to show me.
Hurtak’s briefcase contained about six color photographs that had been enclosed in plastic. My first glance was at a photo showing Dr. Hurtak, speaking to a small group of people, and was apparently taken by someone in his audience. It showed Hurtak making a gesture with his hands, as if caught in the middle of an animated lecture. What was unusual about it was the presence of a glowing point of light that seemed to be hovering near his head and emitting a yellow-orange light.
My eyes opened wide when I looked at the photograph. Hurtak watched for my reaction and quickly shuffled to the next image. This one showed the Doctor in a darkened room, standing on top of a translucent structure that glowed with a blue luminescence. I had no idea what I was looking at, but Hurtak pointed to the glowing under his feet and remarked, “That’s me, standing on the tomb of Osiris.”
The remaining photographs were very odd. They were again of Hurtak. He was outside and was surrounded by what first appeared to be several children. But on closer examination, they were not children at all. Their features were muted and somewhat obscured. They also glowed with a blue luminescence. I moved my head closer to get a better look and thought I recognized the familiar big-eyed archetypal extraterrestrial, reminiscent of Whitley Strieber’s book, Communion. The only difference was that these little people were blue, not gray. They also seemed to be more innocent - like children - and less menacing than the usual agents of abductions.
Almost as soon as I had absorbed what I was being shown, the briefcase was closed and put away. I sat there in silence, not knowing how to react.
At one point, Hurtak turned to me and said, “You know, Dan, you will be seeing some of these same things in Yemen. Certainly things will change now. You have started to translate the fire letters. It won’t be long now.”
I remembered that McGovern had mentioned the fire letters. This was what Hurtak had called the petroglyphs that he predicted would be found at the dozen points around the globe. The fire letters were to be translated and understood prior to the next “great age,”, a time that would be marked by some sort of global catastrophe.
McGovern had also told me that the “translator” was mentioned in the prophecy, and that, like it or not, I was that person. I didn’t place any significance in this declaration since I had not read the original prophecies in Hurtak’s book. I also was well aware that Doctor Hurtak was a flesh and blood creature, like me.
(After Dan went to Yemen his friend John McGovern in Australia asked him to come there, which he did.)
We drove to a small town just outside of Adelaide. John stopped to speak with an old woman who gave us permission to access her land and we hiked a short distance to a large flat rock that resembled the slab foundation of a large building. It was a natural formation made of hard, dark brown stone. There were petroglyphs covering the entire surface.
The images, mostly circular shapes, had been pecked into the flat stone eons ago. There was thick dark varnish covering the petroglyphs and they were well worn by the wind and rain. It was almost impossible to see them until we climbed an elevated rock that looked down on the slab. Then the images began to make sense.
Viewed up close, each circle seemed meaningless. But when the entire rock was viewed as a completed work it told a story. Each collection of circles was like a frame in an animation. The circles moved from side to side and danced around a stationary point. Some of the circles had radiating lines surrounding them.
John said the site was very old. Very old in Australia can be, well, very old. Time seems to have slowed for many millennia on the continent until the arrival of the colonists. The Aboriginal people lived without the need for technology or change - what we have come to call progress - for longer than we can imagine. It was not uncommon for some Aboriginal people to have traditions dating back to the last ice age.
The Aboriginal mind is specialized for Australia. John did his best to explain how these petroglyphs were likely part of the “dreamtime,” or collective memory. Just as spiders know how to build their web, birds of a particular species can build a uniquely shaped nest or return to the same migration site as they ancestors, the Aboriginal people have incorporate certain memories in their genes. These memories are not “learned,” in our way of understanding the word. They are triggered by certain rituals or images and then become part of their consciousness, just as if they were learned through direct experience.
These circles were likely part of this phenomenon.
In the last “frame’ of this slab there was a curious image that caught my eye. One of the circular shapes repeated as the image was read from right to left. Each time the round shape became more distorted until the final shape resembled a crude figure with a head, two arms and two legs. It was as if the circle had morphed and become like a human.
I understood that there was something special about a vortex. If the same petroglyphs were found in these specific locations then they must have had something in common besides the language. But what?
The map I had been sent showed a dozen vortex points around the globe. One of the locations coincided with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. That made sense. But the others were in remote places like the Ural Mountains, somewhere in Afghanistan and off the Southern coast of Japan. Why such remote places?
John explained that the Earth had some type of energy field that surrounded it, more complex than the simple magnetic field with North and South poles. This field had twelve poles which coincided with certain fixed geographic points on the Earth. It was here that contact with “the management” was possible.
We joked about his choice of words. “The management” was actually better than trying to deal with over-used terms like, “aliens,” “angels,” or “Gods.” He described a kind of corporate organization where sentient beings were functioning as students, interns, guides and go-betweens. So when “management” needed to call us to the home office, so to speak, they used the vortex.
These portals had been in operation for a very long time. The petroglyphs were presumably left by people who had witnesses this contact or had come specifically to engage the management. But he suggested another important possible role of the vortex that peaked my interest.
The Earth has suffered, and will again, significant radiation from a variety of celestial events, from super-novas to the mega-flares of our own Sun. These blasts are capable of destroying all life and we are only partially protected by out thin atmosphere and magnetic field. The energies are usually absorbed by the planet through little understood meridians that cover the surface of Earth. These facts were well known to me from an article I wrote a year before.
John proposed that a vortex was a “safe” zone, where survival was most propitious. He suggested that perhaps the management intervened during cataclysmic events and used these portals as an oasis of sorts.
I was not ready to believe this yet. I remembered the texts in Colorado which spoke of the “burning sky” and the need to hide from the Sun. The location of a safe zone would certainly be a plausible explanation for this text. I had my doubts though.
Colin Norris: I told him I was going to be visiting the Flinders Range. He found a large map of the region and spread it on his dining room table. To the left of Augusta, the road went North to Woomera. Here the map had an interesting area colored red and marked “Restricted Area.” I asked him what was there. Colin smiles, took a deep breath, and asked me to sit down.
Woomera was a strange place. Colin told me that it was the home of an American military installation for the Air Force Space Command and an important testing range for the Australian Defense Science and Technology Organization, a group of defense contractors based in Adelaide whose chief member was Raytheon. It was also an area with phased arrays, an antenna farm like Poker Flats in Alaska (HAARP). Like Poker Flats, it also contained a missile testing range with silos and launch pads.
“Stay away from there,” he warned.
The last thing I would have expected in the remote outback was a military installation. Even more strange was the fact that it was manned by the American Air Force. What were they doing here in Australia? And why were they in this remote location? And why did this coincide with the vortex?
The time alone with John was a good opportunity to talk and listen. I learned that my old ideas about God, the bearded old man on a throne, were about as foolish as believing all matter was made from “stuff.” The universe is complex. Just as that “stuff” can be broken down into molecules, atoms, particles and quarks, deity is also diverse. The “management’ that John described was a complex hierarchy of beings that watched human development and provided periodic adjustments.
“So there are no little green men in spaceships then?” I was being sarcastic, but also a little disappointed.
“Well, I didn’t say that exactly, mate.
The petroglyphs were a few miles from the car and were located on the face of a brown stone wall that formed a canyon with a river. It was similar to what I had experienced in Colorado, although the Pergatoire River was much wider. This river was easy to cross on foot and the petroglyphs were immediately visible.
The entire collection of carvings were speared over 100 feet and were all covered with a thick layer of dark varnish. The age of these petroglyphs was hard to estimate but they were in the same style as the ones in Colorado and used the same symbols. I photographed as much as I could and copied some inscriptions to a notebook.
As I I moved from panel to panel, I noticed a recurring symbol that repeated on the stone wall. A pair of concentric circles was depicted, often with radiating line surrounding the outer circle. I had seen this in Colorado also, but the significance was unclear.
The terrain in front of the wall was flat and sandy. It would have made a great place for a concert. Indeed the wall itself had a kind of step that formed a flat, elevated stage, with the petroglyphs serving as an artistic backdrop. I could easily imagine a gathering of Aboriginal people using this site for some similar event.
When we returned to the campsite I was able to use the last few minutes of battery power on my laptop to translate a string of symbols I had copied in my notebook. It read:
“... In this place you will receive protection and power …”
The trip back provided me time to think. I was convinced that the writing was similar to that in Colorado. But it was also the same alphabet that was used in Yemen to describe the story of Queen Sheba and the Ark. Could I assume that the same writing would be found in the other vortex points around the world?
As we passed through Augusta I remembered the military installations that was adjacent to the Colorado vortex. Was this just a coincident or would there be similar installations near the other points of contact with the “management?”
We began to focus on some of the other areas around the world wehre there were alleged to be vortex points. The first one was in Brazil, just West of Sao Paulo. Raytheon had a major presence in Brazil. Nicknamed ‘SIVAM,” the System for Vigilance of the Amazon. Raytheon had placed a number antenna farms (HAARP?) and radar systems in the Amazon jungle. There was a special “off limits” zone just West of Sao Paulo. These arrays were linked to a central command post by satellite and were designed to detect any anomalous activity surrounding the vortex. Congressional records mentioned that a Brazilian atmospheric “heater” under US control, similar to the one in Poker flats, was also located somewhere in the region.
Another point on the vortex map was Southern Peru. It didn’t take long to learn that Raytheon was there also. Maps showed the familiar “off limits” zone and other records showed the installation of more antenna farms, satellite hookups and a US military presence.
In Asia, the vortex fell on the area just North of the Afghanistan border, in the Southern Ural Mountains. I was already familiar with this location since I had written a piece about Yamantau. This super secret military installation had eaten up billions of dollars and a significant portion of Russia’s impoverished economy. It was an underground facility with millions of square feet that had worried American congressmen.
Representative Bartlett asked Congress to investigate the need for such a costly project and reminded other legislators that, “The only potential use for this site is post-nuclear war...” He suggested that, with the end to the Cold War, this made no sense, and suspected a ore sinister agenda was behind the project.
The other Russian vortex is located near Kazakhstan and coincides with the secret zone around Svobodny.
It was no surprise to learn that Raytheon had a presence in these Russian sites. The same systems of arrays and satellite hookups were installed and each vortex point seemed to have an adjacent military zone that imposed a kind of “checkmate.” In fact, Raytheon was at all of the vortex sites.
We seemed to have stumbled blindly on an important discovery that linked past and present, good and evil and bridged the mundane with the fantastic.
The vortex points were important enough to have been marked in antiquity. If they did represent some special geography where “contact” could be mad then they deserved to be revered, much as the Temple Mound in Jerusalem is revered as the navel of the world.
(Why then did a UFO come down over the Temple Mount in January of 2011 and a baby without swaddling clothes was found in there afterwards? And what has happened to that baby? Somehow I think this is all linked together.)
Perhaps it was through these special portals that civilization has been guided and preserved through various cataclysms that have culled our population in the remote past. It seemed less of a fantasy now. I had seen the writing that described these areas as “safe zones” with my own eyes.
But the presence of military installations was puzzling. They seemed more to hinder access to these zones than to protect them. The terrible weapon that I had witnessed in Alaska (HAARP) was not beneficial to humanity. In fact, it was patently evil. Now there were many of them, either completed or under construction. Why?
If there was an organized deity, what John had called the “management,” could there be an organized counterpart - an evil empire - organized on a global scale, poised to fight for control of each vortex?
If the phased array “death ray” were ever actually used in these locations the result might very well be perceived as the “burning sky.” The damage to the ionosphere would allow radiation from space and our own Sun to burn our skin, cause mutations and kill the vegetation. This was a known effect. And yet the system was being positioned quietly, secretly, all over the planet.
John and I tried to understand this. We had many different theories and schemes to explain what we had learned. But in the end it was the simple explanation that seemed to make the most sense. There was evil in the world and we had accidentally seen part of their plan for controlling the globe. We didn’t have a name for them, nor did we understand their motives or agenda. But they were as real as the “management”.
It seemed a far reach from the present world to one where the “evil” forces could exert their dominance on the rest of the world. We were enjoying a refreshing era of peace and prosperity in America. The military budget had been reduced with the end of the Cold War and the nation’s coffers had a huge surplus. There was little need for any New World Order.
I landed at Logan Airport in Boston on September 9, 2001. (9/11)
About the Keys of Enoch
The Keys are, collectively, a CODE BOOK that explains how the Divine is extended and manifested through higher Thought-Forms that unfold throughout all realms of life. It should be pointed out that this text was not "channeled" but given to the author in direct face-to-face experience with two beings of Higher Superluminal Intelligence. Therefore, these Keys provide us with a great preparation, not only for the grand unification of the material realm, but for the ascension from the material and meta-material realms into the consciousness and spiritual realms of higher creation. Ultimately, the text seeks to help us with the complete transformation of our physical and mental skills and Quantum Mind experiences. In this, the mystery of what Christ referred to as "The House of Many Mansions" is no longer a mystery, but an active revelation of meaning in which we are active participants.
The Keys, thus, are a blueprint for the different levels of spiritual consciousness, and provides a "coding" for the understanding of these levels of reality through its intensive study. It challenges us to go beyond the ordinary three-dimensional thinking of our rational intellect, in order to accept it supra-rationally. More importantly, The Keys tell us that we are all experiential beings with free will. It is the acceptance and integration of our Higher Self with the spark of the Divine, in conjunction with the energy field which brings forth the knowledge of the true science of Life, that will enable each and all of us together to make the quantum leap.
1 comment:
I'm from South Australia, and i want to find exactly where the safe zone is, in the table lands, for my own knowledge and future safety.
I also am very curious about the secret group, and feel strangely connected to this knowledge.
I am a seeker.
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