Before, during, and after these abductions, neither Thomas nor his family members would have their memories fully blocked, they were wide awake, aware of what was happening, and allowed to recall almost all of what took place during the abductions.
Thomas is convinced this was there indoctrination period, which was why the family was able to recall so much of it so clearly. These clearly remembered experiences with multiple family members would add first and second person verification and view points. Thomas would be the first to search and locate the earlier landing areas where his and his brother's initial abduction occurred.
This case has been investigated for over twenty years by MUFON, various police investigators, and UFO abduction groups. In this case, most of the family members share the same blood type, O Rh negative, and A Rh negative. Thomas has taken and passed a polygraph and undergone age regression hypnosis in 2010 at the Knoxville Hypnosis center to aid in additional memory recovery regarding the 1969 abduction, but almost all of the information is recalled without hypnosis.
Thomas and Matthew Reed's first abduction started with orbs in the spring of 1966, with the orbs appearing in their shared bedroom. The orbs seemed solid like glass, but without density, the balls were not luminous but resembled a shiny hole in the air that you could not see through with a bluish outer ring. The orbs had direction, one of the orbs moved slowly to the left of the window then along the south wall of the room just below the ceiling. Thomas felt as if they could see, and were watching him, he closed his eyes hoping when he opened them, they would be gone, he did this several times.
Within days, the first abduction occurred. Beings now known as Grays, who glowed softly like they were ghosts, appeared in their room. Thomas recalls light and in seconds the boys were outside their home in a field along a tree line on the edge of his family's property. Thomas recognized the path as Thomas and his mother would ride their horses along it often. At this point, the Gray's illumination ceased and Thomas could see their structure, and what looked like a mask or the headgear, which they kept on at all times.
They came to a small clearing on their right side; they could see the craft and a being standing to the right of it. Thomas was first in a line ahead of his brother and the Grays. When they were within twenty feet of the craft, Thomas turned his head to see Matthew, but he and the beings were now gone. Thomas became fixated on the being standing to the right of the craft and said he was summoned to walk towards him, as calm came over him.
The being raised his arm and lightly placed his right hand in the center of his chest. Then Thomas was standing in a bright, narrow hallway with Matthew on board the craft. It was at that time they would be separated. Thomas was taken to a room about forty feet in diameter.
A being stood next to a large screen that appeared to be part of the wall. Thomas was with the tallest gray who placed his hand on Thomas' left shoulder. Two other figures stood at assigned tables, while the fifth was with four-year-old Matthew. The taller Gray would communicate with the others, who would control the images on the screen, just in front of Thomas.
He was then shown images of a willow tree and visuals of what Thomas feels to have been a galaxy. The controls that the Grays used on these tables resembled Braille and were bronze in color. Something seemingly similar was also imbedded in a chest panel on their attire, and was used to control and communicate.

The craft had smooth, white hallways and no chairs. There were five beings on the craft, the main Gray who seemed to have befriended Thomas, made him feel important; the interest was in Thomas' biological make up, Thomas was important. This would be Thomas' indoctrination.
Matthew was in an entirely different part of the craft, but the boys would be returned home together. The next day, Thomas arrived home from school, he took his horse, Thunder, from his mother's stable and with clear memory within an hour would locate where the craft had landed within a quarter mile of his house.
In 1966 Thomas was abducted for a second time; he was in conversation with his brother in the bottom bunk moments before he was abducted. Matthew first saw the flashes of light, heard the rattle of hinges, and then he was talking to an empty bed. Matthew watched much of the Grays abduction process, as well as after the abduction, before he was abducted himself.
The Grays moved silently from room to room they also had a soft, white glow about them while a now referenced and referred to, Reptilian supervised. Matthew would run and hide behind his mother's bed. Within seconds Matthew would see an illuminated Gray hovering at the bottom of his grandmother's bed just feet away. Matthew states he froze in panic. The Grays lined up and left the room together, but the Reptilian scanned the room before he followed the others.
Matthew woke his mother to look for Thomas when a door slammed behind Matthew. Now Matthew was also gone. Nancy and the grandmother were frantic, they searched the grounds, hours passed, and then in an instant the boys were in the driveway, pale and frightened, just staring at each other, eyes locked. Nancy immediately takes the boys inside, sits them at the kitchen table.
With wet towels, blanket, and juice, she cares for them. Nancy gives them aspirin. The boys finally fell asleep together on the sofa in the living room. Nancy watched over them the entire night. Thanks to Thomas Reed, Steve White, Max Mitchell, and UFO Casebook. The case will continue in next weeks files.
Thanks to George File's Filer Files.
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