On the 8th and 9th of March a series of strange incidents took place in Cracow (Kraków) area. Several independent witnesses observed a strange aerial craft resembling a classical flying saucer with a ring of lights along its rim. In one instance, the object was hovering just above the highway. In two other ones, the UFO passed over the witnesses cars and in the next an unidentified object crossed the sky above Kraków district. Officially nothing is known about it. But the eyewitnesses’ reports don’t lie.
The first report about sighting of a strange aerial craft in Kraków appeared on March 10th. It contained a description of a strange flying object that appeared over Bronowice estate and then flew away towards Balice Airport. The sighting took place on March 9th but soon it turned out that 10 minutes earlier a similar object passed over a car of female witness in Kryspinów. Further reports suggested that two sightings of a very similar object occurred a day before. In the first instance the object was seen in Myślenice area and passed over the witness car then disappearing into night. Two hours later two women saw a strange light hovering over a highway. When they passed below the object, it turned out that it was a metallic saucer with red lights underneath.
First sightings
Cracow (Kraków) on map (source: Wikipedia). The UFOs were seen both in the city and in its vicinity - in Kryspinów and Łyczanka.
The first sighting in order took place in Łyczanka on the 8th of March 2011 at about 7:20 p.m. The witness was returning home with his daughter when he noticed a strange disc-shaped object hovering overhead. He decided to stop the car. According to his report, the object was about 15 m. (49 f.) in diameter and was hovering about 30-50 m. (98-165 f.) over the ground. The saucer had a row of white lights on its rim and also green and red lights on the bottom. It was also slowly rotating around its axis.
The next incident involved two female witnesses heading towards Kraków. According to their report, the object was noticed for the first time at about 9:25 p.m. and resembled a bright light. Women took it for a starting plane since the Balice Airport is in direct vicinity. After a while, when their car passed just under the light, it turned out that it was in fact a huge metallic flying saucer with a row of red lights along its rim.
"Closing to the light we looked up and saw a regular shape of a metallic saucer with red lights around. We passed under the object and then saw it again on the left side. I don’t know if it was the same object that turned left or another one" – wrote the witness who was sitting on the passenger place.
The witness who was driving the car during the encounter confirmed the report of her mate. Both women are highly reliable but demanded anonymity fearing that publicizing their names can affect their careers. In this case it turned out that the UFO was of similar size that in the first encounter. Due to relatively small height, the object was posing a threat to car traffic. Moreover, no other effect appearing in close UFO encounters were observed (for example interaction with the car engine). The object also emitted no sounds.
Kraków saucer
The next two sightings took place on the next day. The first one involved a scenario similar to first two cases. In this instance the object was seen in Kryspinów located just south-west of Kraków. It appeared over the female witness car. The UFO was also seen by two children on the backseats. According to the report the object was in a shape of saucer with a row of white point lights “resembling lightbulbs”. It stopped for a moment in the mid-air, and then disappeared heading north.
About 10 minutes later a similar object was seen in Kraków over Bronowice estate. The witness who first forwarded her report, wrote: “I heard sound similar to that emitted by helicopters but different. […] I looked towards the sound source and got stunned. It wasn’t a plane! It was quite dark but I noticed a white ring of lights of diameter similar to that of a plane. The object was traveling low over the ground. […] Inside of the ring there was a some kind of dark space, darker than night. There were also two other color lights inside.”
According to her report, the object disappeared heading towards the airport.
The drawing of one witness who saw the UFO over the highway on March 8th 2011.
A detailed report in Polish (look below for translation in more languages) was compiled and published on infra.org.pl website. The first conclusion is the witnesses saw an unidentified flying object or objects and all the cases may be connected in some manner. The main problem is that there are some differences in description of lights seen on the bottom of the object. In two instances we deal with a row of white “lightbulbs”. In other ones the witnesses saw a row of red point lights or a solid white ring.
All the witnesses said that the object wasn't in any way similar to conventional flying crafts. Moreover, in some instances they are accommodated to sight of a planes since they’re living in an airport area. UFOs were also flying at very low altitude. A conventional craft flying on this level would pose a great threat to witnesses below. Moreover, both airport officials and a military Air Transport Base located in Balice know nothing about “unusual aerial activity” between 8th and 9th of March 2011. What’s interesting, in two instances witnesses mentioned an increased helicopter activity some time after their sightings. Nothing more is known about it. As it was mentioned before, in all Kraków cases there were no interference with the cars or the objects’ influence on witnesses. Only the last sighting involved a sound effects.
Kraków sightings are very interesting mainly because the number of very reliable and independent witnesses. In fact, they’re only a chapter in somewhat increased UFO activity over Poland in 2010 and first months of 2011. In the days after Kraków events a very interesting mass UFO sighting took place in Podkarpacie region in southern Poland. Report on this case will be available soon. Also several similar encounters were reported in 2010 although they involved triangle-shaped objects. There is also a fifth sighting from 9th March from Kraków but it involves a object resembling a “plane” that was hovering motionless in the air.
See also:
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► Full report (Google translation in: Русский, Українська, Српски, Česky, Magyar, Română, Francais, English, Espańol, Portugues)
► More about 2011 UFO sightings in Poland
By: P.Cielebiaś, M.Kuśnierz, INFRA
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