This was posted on my blog "UFO Experiences" on July 17, 2006.
A young lawyer from Wisconsin had an incredible encounter with a UFO
It had been an exhausting day for the 32 year old attorney. Raymond Shearer had completed a routine day in his small town law office, then driven to Madison, WI, for a meeting with a client. Following a leisurely dinner, they discussed business until midnight. Tired and weary, Shearer drove out of Madison on an interstate highway toward his home.
"I don't remember when I first saw the light," Shearer said, recently. "It was somewhere around 20 miles out of town. It was hanging low in the sky, ahead and off to the right. I decided it was a helicopter."
Shearer continued driving, watching the light as it hovered over the highway ahead. "I passed under it, there was static on the radio," he recalled. "The interior of the car heated up. I loosened my tie and unfastened the seat belt to remove my coat. I also started getting a severe headache. I slowed down a bit, figuring I'd had too many martinis."
The young attorney reached for a bottle of aspirin in the glove compartment. He swallowed two tablets without water. "By now the static had stopped on the radio," Shearer said. "The temperature in the car had returned to normal. This was a warm night in April, and I really didn't think much about it."
When he reached his exit on the interstate highway, Shearer drove off onto a blacktop road. "I normally follow the blacktop to my town," he said. "Ten miles from home, I suddenly braked the car, twisted the wheel, turned off onto a dead-end gravel road that leads out to the marshes. To this day, I don't know why I turned off he highway."
Shearer's mind reeled with indecision as he drove through the dark, cloudy night. There were no farmhouses along the road, and no lights could be seen on the horizon. This wild, uninhabited area is seldom visited by anyone except hunters and fishermen.
As his car topped the crest of a small hill, Shearer's eyes widened with shock and his mouth dropped open in stunned disbelief.
Sitting in the middle of the road below was a UFO.
"I was almost on top of the thing," Shearer recalled. "I braked hard and my car skidded, fishtailing in the gravel. A row of lights flickered on the saucer; it started glowing a bluish-green color. I got the car stopped about 15 feet from it. I slapped the transmission in reverse, wanting to get out of there in the most desperate way. That's when these three things happened to the car."
The engine stopped running
Headlights and dash lights went off
The car radio stopped playing
"I started to whimper and cry," the lawyer admitted. "I was scared to death because this was something I didn't know about. I remember trying to snap down the locks on the doors of the car. I saw some shadowy forms walking toward the car. Then, I must have blacked out.
"Attorney Raymond Shearer was now involved in the most ominous form of UFO contact. What was reported as an ordinary UFO sighting actually turned out to be a direct contact with UFO occupants. In this type of case the contactee's memory of the event is "erased," except for the sighting. And sometimes a cover story is implanted in the contactee's mind possibly through advanced methods of hypnosis.
Once the contactee remembers the contact experience, either through hypnosis, truth serum, or psychotherapy, a definite pattern emerges. "I think that each of us is being used as a messenger," said Raymond Shearer. "Bits and pieces of the puzzle are given to each of us. When enough of these pieces are assembled, an answer to the UFO mystery will be uncovered. I don't know why they're doing things this way -- I just feel they're doing it.
"For several months after my contact I did some crazy, irrational things," Shearer admitted. "At least they were irrational when compared to my former conduct. I think they were programmed into me by the UFO people. They're after some goal here on Earth -- whatever it may be. I break out in a cold sweat when I think of being a possible agent or spy for these people."
Raymond Shearer's only memory of his eerie UFO experience was of seeing a bright light above the interstate highway. The Sun was just coming up when he arrived home, yet he was unconcerned about the "missing time" for several days. The next morning he discovered a small, tender welt on the back of his neck that was directly over his spinal cord. By noon the welt had "blistered up," and become extremely sore and painful. A doctor's examination that afternoon revealed scores of tiny perforations of the skin within the welt.
In the weeks that followed, Shearer's life fell apart. His behavior became unusually erratic for an ambitious small town attorney. Nervous, driven by anxiety, and afflicted with severe headaches, he became obsessed with politics. His law practice was neglected while he worked for politicians by offering free help for their campaigns.
Shearer argued with his bewildered wife, quarreled with his law partner, and lost interest in his practice. "It seemed important for me to get into politics," he said. "I was never interested in political office before that time."
Ultimately, as he continued to neglect his work, Shearer's father was called in to help. The elder Shearer convinced his son that he needed psychiatric help. The attorney then drove to a nearby town for consultation at a psychiatric clinic.
"We didn't get anywhere for several weeks," he explained. "Then, the psychiatrist decided to use hypnosis, hoping to uncover the subconscious reasons behind my anxiety. That's when the details of the UFO encounter came out. I did some mental calculating and discovered there had been some time missing that night."
Several sessions of hypnotic therapy pulled details of the experience from Raymond Shearer's mind. Even now, certain parts of the experience are repressed. "I started reading about UFOs and picked up books and magazines in used book stores," he related.
Following the hypnotic sessions, Shearer's life returned to normal.
When attorney Raymond Shearer crested the hill on the gravel road, it was approximately 1:30 a.m. He did not arrive home until sunrise, indicating a time loss of at least two to three hours. "I still had a headache when I got home," he recalled. "I didn't go to bed, but stretched out on the couch in the living room. There was a funny sound in the room, like a rattlesnake shaking its rattles. Although I was tired, this buzzing seemed to keep me alert."
Later that morning, while his wife was preparing breakfast, the red welt appeared on his neck. "I saw our family doctor that afternoon. He said it was the strangest thing he'd seen," Shearer said. "He put some salve on it and the welt gradually went away."
During his first hypnotic session with the psychiatrist, the taped questions and answers included:
What is the reason for your problem?
I don't have any problems.
What made you decide to drop practicing law?
They did
Who are they?
The people I met.
When was this?
When I was driving home from Madison.
Where did you meet them?
Out on the road.
Are they from around here?
They're from another galaxy.
That's interesting. How did they get here?
They came on that flying saucer.
You mean people from flying saucers are making you do these things?
Why did they pick you?
I don't know.
What did they tell you to do?
Get into politics.
They want a friend in politics.
If they reveal themselves it will stop our people from killing them.
Do they plan to reveal themselves? When will they do this?
(Speaking as if from a recorded message) They did not tell their plans to me. They feel we are not ready.
Where did they land?
On the road
What were they doing there?
They were gathering specimens
What sort of specimens?
Rocks, weeds, trees, and dirt. Sometimes they gather animals and people.
What do they do with these specimens?
They give them to their scientists for study.
In subsequent sessions, Shearer told of being panic-stricken when his car stalled before the landed craft. As he was attempting to lock his car doors, a figure suddenly appeared at the driver's side of the car. "I didn't get much more than a glimpse of him," the attorney said. "He looked at me for a second, then there was a blinding flash. Then, I opened the door and stepped out."
Seconds later, Shearer felt a slight tingling sensation over his entire body. "One of them with a funny looking instrument told me not to be alarmed," he continued. "They had to press something against my neck. He said it wouldn't hurt. He said it would help me be able to talk to them."
Another ufonaut appeared, move swiftly behind the frightened attorney, and pressed a metallic device against the back of his neck. "I felt funny for a minute," Shearer admitted. "Then, the fear seemed to leave me. My hands stopped trembling. My head cleared up. I wasn't so confused. A warm feeling came over my body and I felt these people were my friends."
What occurred after the device was pressed against his neck?
"The two of them just stood around for a minute," Shearer recalled. "Then the one with the device said something and left. He went back to pick up some things -- tools, boxes, and bags -- and started picking weeds and tree limbs and putting them in the boxes. There were five of them altogether -- at the last I saw five of them."
Shearer reported there was a "captain" of the craft. "He was about five-feet, six-inches tall, dressed in a white, coverall-type of uniform. He had a black belt around his middle with a grayish-silver box on the side of the belt. While we talked, he would sometimes make an adjustment on the box. He said the box contained something that helped him talk to me."
One ufonaut remained beside the craft. "He must have been a guard because he never took his eyes off me," Shearer said. "He was also constantly looking up and down the road. Sometimes, he looked up to the skies."
The three other ufonauts were scattered over the road and surrounding countryside, picking up specimens. "They worked very fast," Shearer said. "They seemed to be picking up as many different types of things as they could."
Shearer said that the craft was silver-gray in color. "It was metal that looked like aluminum. I don't now what kind of metal it was. I didn't ask."
Shearer estimated the saucer was from "100 to 125 feet in diameter." It rested on three, telescoping legs that came out of the bottom of the craft. The design was almost like a perfect saucer, except for a small antenna on the rear.
When the second ufonaut left, the "captain" turned to Shearer and asked about the time.
Contactees are frequently asked about time, suggesting the possiblity of inter-or ultra-dimensional travel involved with UFOs. The psychiatrist's tapes include these questions and answers:
Did you tell him the time?
I held my watch up to the light from the saucer. It said it was 1:47 in the morning. He asked me what type of time we used. This was a strange question, but I realized that he was asking about how we measured time. I explained about our days, months, and years. He said that we should learn to handle time correctly.
What did he mean by that?
He said time doesn't exist. His people have the ability to distort time as we know it by speeding it up, slowing it down, or stopping it. To do this, we have to remove the brainwashed ideas that we have about time from our minds. A little baby, or a child, does not have any concepts of time. A minute will seem like an hour to them. A day can seem as it is forever -- and it is. As we grow older, we become more conscious of our concept of time. We lose this innocence.
His people have been here many times, but we would never be able to visit them.
Why can't we visit them?
Our ideas of time would prevent it.
How fast do they travel?
Their ship goes faster than the speed of light. They get the maximum speed after they leave our atmosphere. There is much to say about that... He told me about it when we were inside.
To be continued
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