Sunday, January 30, 2011


[Readers of INEXPLCATA will recall the redoubling of USO activity that occurred shortly after the Chilean earthquake of 2010, which even included reports of tall humanoids emerging from the water. Such activity has by no means ended, judging from the following report " SC]

According to Alejandro Dvalos, [NOUFA] correspondent in Iquique, sightings are ongoing and increasing in Bajo Molle, Iquique, Chile.

The antecedents of the UFO case histories for Bajo Molle are quite old, and include luminous spheres that emerge from the sea. All of this has been confirmed by Alejandro Dvalos, who has been a privileged witness to this phenomenon. He adds that since the area is high up, looking down on the ocean, he has seen luminous spheres under the water more than once, which would make them USOs (unidentified submarine objects). Furthermore, he adds that more than once he has thought - as have many local residents - that there is a base or meeting point for these lights under the sea, making these sightings even more fantastic and bizarre.

Dvalos hopes to conduct a watch in the area, employing specialized cameras and people interested in the phenomenon, in the hopes of creating a high-quality record of these mysterious luminous spheres that emerge from the sea.

(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Raul Nez) Source: NOUFA (Noticiero Ufolgico Autonomo) UFOINFO would like to thank Scott Corrales Inexplicata Blog for granting permission to use this article and thank you Filer’s Files for this article!

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